
Thursday 11 April 2013


         "And Lot went out, and spake unto his sons-in-law, which married his daughter and said, up, get you out of this place: For the lord will destroy this city, but he seemed as one that mocked unto his sons-in-law. And when the morning arose, then the angels hastened Lot saying, arise, take thy wife, and thy two daughters, which are here lest thou be consumed in the iniquity
of the city. And while he lingered, the men laid hold upon his hand, and upon the hand of his wife, and upon the hand of the two daughters; the lord being merciful unto him; and they brought him forth, and set him without the city." (Genesis 19:14-16)."And while he lingered..."Verse 16.
     He had received a message from God that judgement was coming and those cities were going to be destroyed. Lot not only received the message, but Lot believed the message. He believed it so strongly that he even shared the message with others. He said to his sons-in-law, "Get you out of this place: for the lord will destroy this city" But the sad thing was, after Lot heard and
believed the message of the coming judgement, ".... He lingered". If we could call people out of hell this time around and ask them one at a time, "Sir, why are you in hell? Didn't you know how to be saved?". I'm sure that some might say, "I didn't know how to be saved?". But I believe that literally thousands would say, "Yes I knew how to be saved". Didn't you have a
desired to go to heaven? Oh yes. As a matter of fact, I even have plans of going to heaven. I thought that someday I would trust Christ as my savior. "Well, what are you doing in hell?". I kept putting it off and one day I died suddenly in an automobile accident, and here I am. I don't think you would find one person in hell who deliberately planned to go there, but each waited
 too late and died without the saviour. A fable illustrates what I'm saying, it is said that many centuries ago, the devil called all the demons of hell together and asked for suggestion on how to damn the soul of men. One demon gave a suggestion; another gave his own, then a brilliant demon came forward and said  "I'll tell you what to do. Let's tell man there is a Bible and that the Bible is the God's word. Let's tell man that there is a real hell and a real heaven that people who die without saviour go to hell; and that those who believe in Christ, when they die, heaven is sure. Let's tell man that God loves them and provides a way whereby they can be saved. Let's tell man they ought to be saved, but let's tell them they don't need to be saved now. Let's tell them to wait a while" (from Curtis Hutson). It is said that
all the demons of hell, and even Satan himself, applauded the brilliant demon and said,  "that's what we will do! Man will fall for that! That's the best way to damn the souls of men!" Let me assure you that nobody plans to go to the hell. Someone had said "the road to bye and bye leadsto the house of Never"
(R. A. Torrey) and he said " A wise man when he sees a thing that ought to be done, does it immediately. A fool, when he sees a thing that ought to be done, says, yes, it ought to be done, but I won't do it now, or yes, it ought to be done but I'll wait and do it later. And while lingered..."There not only is the danger of the hardened heart, but there is the danger of loosing your soul.
 Man is a living soul, and Jesus said "For what shall it profit a man, if he gains the whole world and lose his soul?" (Mark 8:36). I wish I could preach that as if Jesus were standing here preaching it "what shall it profit a man, if he gains the whole world and lose his own soul?" If you gain the whole world - become a billionaire, own real estate, cattle and automobiles
(automatic cars, companies) and everything under heaven - and lose your soul, you have made an idiotic bargain. A man had a great fortune, he put it all into one large diamond. Everywhere he went, he took that diamond with him. One day he was on board a ship travelling from one country to the other. Walking up and down the deck, he kept tossing that diamond into the air. A fellow-passenger said to him "man, don't do that, the ship may bob, hit a wave, and you will lose it". He said,  "I haven't missed
it yet" and kept tossing the diamond into the air. Closer to the edge he tossed it. The sun shining on the diamond blinded him momentarily. As he reached out this time to grab it, he missed the fortune- fell into the sea. As it fell, the man exclaimed "lost!, lost!, lost!" You say, that man was a fool, I agree, but he
wasn't as a big a fool as men who gamble with their salvation, gamble with their souls and say no to Jesus day after day, week after week, year after year and then they die without Christ!. Not only is there the danger of loss of the soul. There is the Danger of going to hell, you may not like to hear about this, but there is a real literal, burning hell and when a man dies without Christ, he goes there. The rich man also died and was buried: and in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments (Luke 16:22-23). It is a place of torments, a place of unending punishment, a place of hopelessness, a place you will say bye and bye to your parents, there is no way out. We must stay out. Suppose I said to you, there is a Time Bomb planted in this building, it may go off in two minutes or five minutes. But it may not go off for a year or for fifteen or twenty years. Still, it may go off at any minute, if I made that announcement, how many of you would stay to hear the end of my sermon? Not one! And I wouldn't stay to preach it. The coming of Christ is a danger to the unsaved because it seals the destiny and doom of those who heard the
gospel but did not heed the gospel, that is not all, there is a Danger of Sudden Death, nobody knows when he is going to die, you may say "I don't like to hear or talk about death". Well, when people quit dying, I will quit talking about death, you don't want to hear about death because you are not right with God. I beseech you brethren that you should forsake your sins and come to the saving knowledge of Christ. "Behold, now is the accepted time, behold now is the day of salvation" 2Corinthians 6:2
.Let us hear your Testimony.


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